
As the gospel song says: “I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God.” Providing a place where people can truly become the family of God and to grow spiritually is one of the main purposes of Christ’s Church.

Below are activities that you can join which will enhance your Christian growth and will allow you to experience what it means to be a part of the family of God.

Sunday School

Our small group Sunday classes meet at 9:30 a.m. for all ages. For more information concerning these classes, click here.

Prayer Meeting

Meets on Wednesday evenings, 6:00 p.m. It is an informal gathering where our prayer warriors meet to praise and petition our Heavenly Father. Intercessory prayer is made for the needs of our church family, for spiritual growth of the church, and for community and world problems. The church family is kept abreast of the concerns through a weekly prayer guide printed in the bulletin. Please join us in this important ministry.

The Brotherhood

This is an organization for men, young men, and boys to participate in mission activities, such as helping someone in the neighborhood who has experienced a catastrophic event, serving a fundraising meal for a worthy cause, or building a wheelchair ramp. The Brotherhood helps with special church projects, such as serving a church wide breakfast at Easter, and helping with “trunk or treat,” a community outreach event for Halloween.

The Brotherhood meets the first Sunday of each month at 7:30 a.m. for a hearty breakfast followed by a discussion of needs and projects. Sometimes a guest speaker will present a brief motivational message. Please join us.

Musical Opportunities

The Adult Choir, the Worship Team, and the Handbell Choir offer places where adults can utilize their musical talents. Click here for more information.

Joy Club

For those age 55 and older, the Joy Club offers an opportunity for sharing a covered dish meal with friends and enjoying an informational, stimulating, or entertaining program. Joy Club meets at 6 p.m. on the first Monday of each month (except September). Anyone (regardless of age) is invited.

Baskets of Love

This is a ministry by volunteers who prepare and deliver home-cooked meals on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meals and visits provide respite and encouragement to shut-ins and their caregivers. We welcome volunteers to help in this ministry.