Church Governance

Our church is a local body of believers operating under the leadership of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The government of this church is entrusted to its members and to no other outside religious body.  The church operates under democratic processes based on the Double Springs Constitution, which defines a governing structure of church officers, deacons, teachers, committees, and paid staff.  Paid staff leadership positions include the pastor, minister of youth and children, and minister of music.  We acknowledge that both men and women who are called by God may serve in any leadership position.  All people serving in leadership positions must be approved by the vote of the church membership body.

The church welcomes the leadership of a shepherd pastor, who shall oversee the spiritual welfare of the church.  In order to provide direction and leadership to the total church program, the pastor shall be an ex-officio member of every organization, group, or committee within the church.

This church voluntarily cooperates with other Southern Baptist organizations such as local, state, and national associations.  We support and promote missions at the local, state, national, and international levels.